Gutter Safety | We Take Safety Seriously

At Peak Performance Gutter Protection, we always put the customer first. That includes prioritizing our customers’ safety by offering accessible and affordable gutter cleaning, gutter whitening, and gutter guard installation services so you don’t risk injury by performing these tasks yourself.

Gutter safety is a huge issue when nonprofessionals attempt to clean or whiten their own gutters. Even installing your own gutter guards poses serious risks to your health and safety. The major hazard at play for all these projects is the use of a ladder. You may be surprised to learn that using a ladder to access your gutters is indeed the recommended method. Attempting to gain access to your gutters from the roof is extremely dangerous and should never, ever be attempted. Yet even using a ladder can pose a serious risk.

Ladder Risk 

When trying to clean or otherwise access your gutters, it’s important to use the correct tools, and that includes using a ladder instead of approaching from the roof. There are a variety of styles and sizes of ladder you can use to access the roof. While some are safer than others, all types of ladders pose a risk of injury or death for a user.

Every year in the United States, there are more than 300 deaths from ladder falls and 160,000 ladder-related injuries treated in the emergency room. Those numbers have tripled in the past decade. The majority of deaths result from ladder falls of 10 feet or less (World Health Organization data).

It is critical to exercise caution when using a ladder for any job, because tumbling from a ladder can result in injury or even death. But it’s not just falls that cause ladder injury. Causes of injury related to ladder use include:

  • Improper ladder set up.
  • Getting on or off the ladder improperly.
  • Losing your balance.
  • Only holding on to the ladder with one hand or overreaching while using the ladder.
  • Failing to use a spotter (or person steadying the ladder).
  • Missing a step when climbing up or down.
  • …and more.

Gutter Service Safety

At Peak Performance, we are here to perform the dangerous tasks of gutter cleaning, gutter washing, and gutter guard installation so you don’t have to take the risk. While spending the money to hire professionals may give you pause, you are not only making an investment in the proper functioning of your home’s gutter and downspout systems, you are ensuring your own and your family’s safety.

Our team of gutter technicians are experienced, professional, and trained on the strictest safety standards. Getting up on ladders to access gutters is what we do every single day, and we know exactly how to use a ladder in the safest and most effective way possible.

Don’t risk fall injury or death just to access your gutters – it’s not worth it. Call Peak Performance Gutter Protection instead – we are here to support you. Contact us today.